Thursday, February 01, 2007

Leisure Time.

I have read a lot of poems as academic curriculum compulsion but none appealed to my heart better than “Delight in Disorder”. An excerpt of the same:

A SWEET disorder in the dress Kindles in clothes a wantonness: A lawn about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction:An erring lace which here and there Enthralls the crimson stomacher : A cuff neglectful, and thereby Ribbons to flow confusedly : A winning wave (deserving note) In the tempestuous petticoat :A careless shoe-string, in whose tieI see a wild civility :Do more bewitch me than when art Is too precise in every part.

-------- Robert Herr

How often have we not seen people in our immediate vicinity slog their asses out and cry at in night? Yet there are many people who do nothing for the whole day but yet are more at peace at heart mind and enjoy all the pleasures of life.

I have always wondered if I was a born lazy or I perfected the art without trying too hard over a period of time.

The art however lies in knowing everything but being found inefficient to do the job. People shy away from giving me a job to the extreme that I am never allowed to lock my own house out of fear that I may not do it properly.

There are ways and means to achieve this status which everybody desires. Some tips from my personal experience.

People trust logic. The best way to avoid a job is to justify the inaction with logic. I avoid putting bed sheet on my bed. The logical part goes like this: If the bed sheet is going to get crumpled during my slumber, why waste covering the bed with it in the first place. After all e=mcsqaure. People usually don’t understand the latter part. They know its got something to do with the energy and physics which is never used by anybody after standard 10th.

Ignorance is bliss. Be prepared to ignore a little mess around you. The shoes may not be exactly where they are meant to be in the house, but you can always recite the above poem. A lecture on wild civility and evolution of man can be very handy. Quoting an example of accepted successful person in nearby vicinity who lives in a mess more often than not does the trick. Ignore the on button of the geyser in your bathroom even after you have closed the tap. Do this exercise at least twice in a month. Believe me you will be never asked to turn on the geyser in your entire life.

Caveat Emptor
Beware of the female species. They are always trying to teach you a thing or two about behaviour and socially accepted norms of cleanliness. They do not believe that lying on sofa and surfing TV is no activity at all. Turn your deaf ear towards them because they are oblivious to the fact that clicking remote 6000 times burns 20 calories.
Remember the first time you become active you will have to be active for the rest of your lives. Females will try all the tricks available from Chanakya Niti: (Saam, Daam , Dand , Bhed). Remember effective slumbering can only be achieved with ignorance.

Organizational Advice
In organization there are always anxious people trying to learn new skills, teach them your job so that you can rest in peace. Then there are the friendly people, all they need is a pat on the back and some emotional words such as” A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Some are too ambitious and in constant hurry. They can not wait for anything. They will complete the job for you if you stand between their ways.

You can find this lot seating besides you, in the cafeteria or sharing a smoke with you. Offering a coffee or a cigarette or both as per the personal liking of the subject matter is always helpful.

This list is not exhaustive. There are always means and methods a person would find to avoid work. So find your own ways and avoid work. You surely don’t want to slog do you?


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